Tuesday, August 25, 2009

growing herbs indoors

Growing Herbs Indoors Year Round

When it is cold outside, most people do not want to go out to try to garden. But even though it is cold, people still want to garden all the same. This is one reason why indoor gardening has become so popular. Plants that are fairly easy to grow successfully indoors are herbs. Not only beautiful to look at and fragrant, you can also eat them. Give year-round indoor herb gardening a try, and you will be hooked.
You can either start your herbs from seed or purchase plant starts at a nursery, or even hardware and grocery stores in season. Starting seeds is very cost effective, and you have a much wider selection of varieties from which to choose, but it does take longer to get from a seed to an edible plant. If you want to enjoy your plants sooner, then look for plant starts instead.
Some herbs can grow in a sunny window with just the natural light that is available. Herbs like mint, rosemary and oregano work well in this type of light. However, if you wish to grow plants like basil or cilantro, then you will need to make sure that you give them extra artificial light, or they will not survive in the lower-light levels.
Grow lights can work well for this purpose, as can metal halide HID lamps. Other specific types include solarmax grow lamps, chrome dome grow lights and hortilux grow lights. Both fluorescent and HID types of light offer the blue color spectrum needed for early plant growth, and the red and orange spectrum, which plants need to flower properly. Both types of lights require electrical ballasts or digital ballasts to control the flow of the electrical current in the bulb, and they can be included inside the light fixture or they can be a separate component used in conjunction with the light bulb and light fixture.
Herbs can be annuals, biennials or perennials. Annuals complete their entire life cycle of germination, growth and reproduction in one year, whereas perennials will live for many years and repeat their life cycle. Biennials live for two seasons, where they grow in the first and bloom in the second. To help you decide which ones to grow, think about the types of foods you enjoy cooking, and what types of herbs you typically use to flavor them as a good way to start. Some herbs are fairly easy to grow, including annual basil, dill and summer savory. Parsley is a biennial, and also easy to grow. Beginners also usually have good luck growing perennial mint, thyme, winter savory, marjoram and chives indoors. The perennial herbs can survive for several years, and they like to go outside in the summer if possible.
Alison Agnock is an expert in gardening topics such as hydroponic gardening, fluorescent grow lights and hydroponic grow lights.

Sunday, August 16, 2009

10 Herbs You Can Grow in Containers

Growing herbs has become a very popular hobby today. Not only are they decorative, but growing herbs yourself gives you an ongoing fresh supply of herbs for cooking.
A good thing about growing herbs is that they can be done indoors. This way, they can be enjoyed even if you are living in the city and do not have room for outdoor gardening space.
Helpful Tips for Growing Herbs in Containers
1. Herbs ideally thrive in the ground, but with proper choices and the right precautions, they can flourish in the indoor garden. They have to be positioned inside the house where they can grow well.
2. You can combine herbs of different colors to create an atmosphere inside your house. For example, you can get calendula or lemon thyme, herbs with sunny colors for a brighter effect.
3. Let the herbs grow together. They can create a climate among them that will further encourage their growth. They also create a fuller and healthier appearance.
4. Limit the amount of herbs you will plant in a container. It should depend on the size of your container. There should at least be an allowance of four inches square in between each type of herb.
5. Get a clean container to start with the hobby. The container must allow good drainage for the herbs. Use also the type of soil that is porous enough to let water easily go down to the roots.
6. Try to pick commercial potting mix instead of the usual garden soil. They especially contain minerals that can support the needs of your herbs in containers.
7. Check out regularly your herbs, especially if they need some watering. Different herbs will have different moisture requirements.
Just make sure that they do not get too much dry. At the same time, do not drown them either.
10 Herbs to Grow in Containers
There are many kinds of herbs to choose from for your indoor garden. It is best to choose those that can be arranged together. Here are some of them that should be in your top 10 consideration.
1. Silver Plants
Most herb growers would choose according to a color scheme. The herb containers can have an arrangement according to the hue of the plants.
There are herbs that give out silvery hues. They are best for creating an elegant look in the corner of your house and perfect for a garden to be enjoyed in the evening.
You can use artemisias, curry plants and santolinas.
2. Golden Herbs
There are also golden herbs that can add a bright attitude in your mornings. They are perfect for days when the sun shine greets you inside the house.
Your golden garden can have lemon thyme, calendula, nasturtium and even the variegated sage and lemon balm.
3. Blue Garden
If your favorite color is blue, then you can have your indoor herb garden in all blue also. Choose or combine borage, hyssop, rosemary and catmint for that blue collection.
4. Italian Choices
People who love anything Italian can make use of the Italian selection.
Sweet basil, oregano, marjoram, thyme and the Italian parsley can perfectly grow together and respond to your Italian needs anytime.
5. Salad Bar
To vegetarians out there or people who simply enjoy salads, planting herbs like garlic chives, salad burnet, celery and rocket will be a good choice. You need not go to the market to enjoy a bowl of salad.
6. Go French
People who enjoy French cooking can also tend tarragon, parsley, sage and chervil.
7. Enjoy the Scent
Some households can make use of a lovely scent to set the mood. Lavender, lemon thyme, pineapple sage and the rose scented geranium are some of the perfect choices for a pleasant garden.
8. Insect Repellent
You can also grow herbs in your container that can function as insect repellents. This is especially useful for a household with kids.
9. Culinary Herbs
It is also nice to grow and tend culinary herbs inside your house. It is like having your own kitchen needs at hand anytime you want them.
Some of these culinary herbs that can be grown in containers are rosemary, mint, chives, or sage.
These are good seasoning for most of your cooking. The lemon balm is also perfect for your barbecue afternoons.
10. Loner Herbs
There are herbs that have to be kept and maintained in their own containers. They tend to overpower other herbs if they are put in a group.
Oreganos, lemon balm or bee balm and even mints are herbs that must be on their own or else they will overtake all the plants in your indoor garden.
Planting herbs in containers will definitely let you enjoy the delight of growing herbs even if you do not have any space outdoors.
Lee Dobbins writes for http://www.herbs-home-remedies.com where you can learn more about herbs and their uses